
Module Contents



This service is deprecated in favor of gamepad (although it is currently used by the micro:bit Arcade smart shield).

class jacdac.arcade_gamepad.client.ArcadeGamepadClient(bus: jacdac.bus.Bus, role: str)

Bases: jacdac.bus.Client

This service is deprecated in favor of gamepad (although it is currently used by the micro:bit Arcade smart shield).
  • A gamepad with direction and action buttons for one player.

  • If a device has multiple controllers, it should have multiple gamepad services, using consecutive service identifiers.

Implements a client for the Arcade Gamepad service.

on_down(handler: jacdac.bus.EventHandlerFn) jacdac.bus.UnsubscribeFn

Emitted when button goes from inactive to active.

on_up(handler: jacdac.bus.EventHandlerFn) jacdac.bus.UnsubscribeFn

Emitted when button goes from active to inactive.