
Module Contents



A rectangular dot matrix display, made of monochrome LEDs or Braille pins.

class jacdac.dot_matrix.client.DotMatrixClient(bus: jacdac.bus.Bus, role: str)

Bases: jacdac.bus.Client

A rectangular dot matrix display, made of monochrome LEDs or Braille pins. Implements a client for the Dot Matrix service.

property dots Optional[bytes]

The state of the screen where dot on/off state is stored as a bit, column by column. The column should be byte aligned.

For example, if the display has no more than 8 rows in each column, then each byte contains bits corresponding to a single column. Least-significant bit is on top. If display has 10 rows, then each column is represented by two bytes. The top-most 8 rows sit in the first byte (with the least significant bit being on top), and the remainign 2 row sit in the second byte.

The following C expression can be used to check if a given column, row coordinate is set: dots[column * column_size + (row >> 3)] & (1 << (row & 7)), where column_size is (number_of_rows + 7) >> 3 (note that if number of rows is 8 or less then column_size is 1), and dots is of uint8_t* type.

The size of this register is number_of_columns * column_size bytes.,

property brightness Optional[float]

(Optional) Reads the general brightness of the display, brightness for LEDs. 0 when the screen is off., _: /

property rows Optional[int]

Number of rows on the screen, _: #

property columns Optional[int]

Number of columns on the screen, _: #

property variant Optional[jacdac.dot_matrix.constants.DotMatrixVariant]

(Optional) Describes the type of matrix used.,