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A power supply with a fixed or variable voltage range

class jacdac.power_supply.client.PowerSupplyClient(bus: jacdac.bus.Bus, role: str)

Bases: jacdac.bus.Client

A power supply with a fixed or variable voltage range Implements a client for the Power supply service.

property enabled Optional[bool]

Turns the power supply on with true, off with false.,

property output_voltage Optional[float]

The current output voltage of the power supply. Values provided must be in the range minimum_voltage to maximum_voltage, _: V

property minimum_voltage Optional[float]

The minimum output voltage of the power supply. For fixed power supplies, minimum_voltage should be equal to maximum_voltage., _: V

property maximum_voltage Optional[float]

The maximum output voltage of the power supply. For fixed power supplies, minimum_voltage should be equal to maximum_voltage., _: V