
Module Contents



A 7-segment numeric display, with one or more digits.

class jacdac.seven_segment_display.client.SevenSegmentDisplayClient(bus: jacdac.bus.Bus, role: str)

Bases: jacdac.bus.Client

A 7-segment numeric display, with one or more digits. Implements a client for the 7-segment display service.

property digits Optional[bytes]

Each byte encodes the display status of a digit using, where lowest bit 0 encodes segment A, bit 1 encodes segments B, …, bit 6 encodes segments G, and bit 7 encodes the decimal point (if present). If incoming digits data is smaller than digit_count, the remaining digits will be cleared. Thus, sending an empty digits payload clears the screen.

```text GFEDCBA DP

  • A -

F B | | - G - | | E C _ | | |DP| - D - -


property brightness Optional[float]

(Optional) Controls the brightness of the LEDs. 0 means off., _: /

property double_dots Optional[bool]

(Optional) Turn on or off the column LEDs (separating minutes from hours, etc.) in of the segment. If the column LEDs is not supported, the value remains false.,

property digit_count Optional[int]

The number of digits available on the display.,

property decimal_point Optional[bool]

(Optional) True if decimal points are available (on all digits).,

set_number(value: float) None

Shows the number on the screen using the decimal dot if available.